Recent copies of letters from our previous minister Brian. These are reproduced from the monthly Newsletter.
From Our Previous Minister, Brian
Letters From Brian, Our previous Minister

Recent copies of the letters from our previous Minister Brian.
These are reproduced from the monthly Newsletter..
Article index
February 2023: The Minister Brian's Final Word
Thanks to all of you for your love, fellowship, humour and prayers.
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January 2023: From the Minister's Penultimate Letter from Sidmouth
My diary doesn’t really have many observations until recent times.
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December 2022: From the Minister's Christmas Tree, Once More
Each year I invite people to think of the events of Christmas 2000 years ago.
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November 2022: From the Minister's Diary
People often say to clergy, doctors and teachers, “ you should write a book”. ....
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October 2022: From the Minister's Dusty Bible
We all have moments when we don’t notice what is before us ....
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August-September 2022: From the Minister's Back Catalogue
As a nation we have known struggles ....
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July 2022: The Good News Slot
Three lock downs later and the church is pulling together ...
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June 2022: From The Minister’s Notes
There are times in life when living the faith can be very challenging
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May 2022: From The Minister’s Dark Past (I knew That Would Get People Reading)
What do you make of the Church?
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April 2022: From The Minister’s Childhood
As we progress to Easter we can ponder our own failings and their affects on us and other people.
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March 2022: From The Minister’s Idyll
Contentment is a quality we do not cultivate enough
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February 2022: From The Minister’s Pen
We live in an age of Covenant between Methodists and Anglicans
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January 2022: From The Minister’s Resolutions
At the start of a New Year we may well wonder what lies around the corner
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December 2021: From The Minister’s Carol Sheet
Christmas should be a time of joy
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November 2021: From The 2 Minute's Silence
As Remembrance comes into view once more my thoughts will be varied.
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October 2021: From The Minister’s Hymn Book
How people respond to their future can be critical ..
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August-September 2021: From The Minister’s Mask Drawer
Jesus said ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
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July 2021: From The Minister’s Wireless
"In the Bible there is no shortage of people deciding ..."
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June 2021: From The Minister’s Coffee Pot
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers ..."
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May 2021: From The Minister’s Dog Walk
We just need to trust and obey what God looks for in his people.
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April 2021: From The Minister’s Garden
Easter weekend (the first one) was not exactly what the disciples had hoped for
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March 2021: From The Minister’s Fireside
Did you know Jesus spoke about money more than prayer
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February 2021: From Our Minister’s Packed Bags
Forgiveness is mandatory for a good and real Christian.
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January 2021: From Our Minister’s Christmas Tree
You don’t need me to declare 2020 can be best described as a ‘complete turkey’
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December 2020: From Our Minister’s Hideout (again!)
No room at the Inn! ....
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November 2020: From Our Minister’s Study
Conformity, discipline and doing the right thing seems to elude people in all generations
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October 2020: From Our Minister’s Dust
Jesus said to the early disciples ‘I will make you fishers of men’ ....
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August/ September 2020: From Our Minister’s Study
We should take joy in the healing of others ....
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July 2020:From Our Minister’s NEW Hideout
I am guilty of overusing one verse of scripture ...
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June 2020:From Our Minister’s Isolation
Perhaps lock-down has brought out the less cuddly side in a number of us?
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May 2020:From Our Minister’s Hideout
Life is complicated, hard work, short; but also incredible.
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April 2020:From Our Deacon’s ‘Guest Pen’ (whilst Rev Brian is on Sabbatical)
I am not suggesting we take unnecessary risk to keep our people and our selves safe
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March 2020: From the Minister’s Fireside or Deckchair, or from the Sermon-box
You don’t have to do everything to save souls
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February 2020: From the Minister’s Growing Lists
I fear that plans have been made for me!!
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January 2020: From the Minister’s Book of Encouragement !!!!
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
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December 2019: From the Minister’s Perspective
I understand people do not wish to be hypocritical about something they don’t believe.
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November 2019: From the Minister’s Fireside
As Remembrance comes round again we should ponder how frail life and luxury are
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October 2019: From the Crease with the Minister
We all hear or spread gossip from time to time and it can go unnoticed. ...
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August/September 2019: To go boldly with the Minister
This is our home so we better take better care of it. ...
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July 2019: From the Minster's Deckchair
For each of us there is a place and time to serve under God ...
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June 2019: From the Minsters News Stand
Clergy can find themselves in very hot water ...
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May 2019: We Remember and Pray for a Congregation
The church is made of living stones ...
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April 2019: From the Minister‘s Blank Canvas
God doesn’t always do the ordinary. ...
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March 2019: From the Minister's Frying Pan
Lent should be a doddle compared to ...
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February 2019: Cabin Pressure from the Minister
Family, Friendship, Community, Faith, Church and Lent all require a little sacrifice.
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January 2019: Out On The Tiles With The Minister
Some situations are not short of ‘experts’ and opinions!
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December 2018: From the Minister’s Christmas album (Don’t worry I am not going to sing)
Christmas should have a much better feeling about it than we sometimes engender.
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November 2018: From the Minister’s Black Horse
Jesus said a lot about money and money changers
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October 2018: From the Minister’s Synod Notes
Prayer touches on our hopes, our needs and on what seems impossible.
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August-September 2018: From the Ministers Night at the Pub (I was on Orange Juice)
Jesus met people where he found them
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