Recent copies of the letters from our minister Steve. These are reproduced from the monthly Newsletter.

From the Pen of Rev Steve

From the Pen of Rev Steve

Recent copies of the minister's letters from Rev Steve. These are reproduced from the monthly Newsletter.

Article index

November 2024: A New Community Garden

For some months we have been considering making alterations to the outside area next to the hall ... --> More ...

June/July 2024: The Festival Season

I believe as a church we should welcome and embrace the festivals that come each season. --> More ...

May 2024: This Green and Pleasant Land

"... the soil is the great connector of lives…" (Wendell Berry) --> More ...

April 2024: Attending Synod

We are all part of a Connexional church… --> More ...

March 2024: “Lost in Wonder”

Seeing the events on the hillside for what they are… --> More ...

December 2023: Church Connections

If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself --> More ...

November 2023: Dealing with Conflict

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” --> More ...

October 2023: Preaching Houses

We must embrace personal responsibility for our spiritual development. --> More ...

August-September 2023: Goings On

It has been some time since I gave you an update --> More ...

June 2023: Transforming Conversations

You might think that conversation is a normal and natural daily occurrence --> More ...

May 2023: The Call to Preach?

Few people in Methodism have heard of Sarah Crosby or Mary Bosanquet --> More ...

April 2023: Place, Pain and Prayer

The bond of friendship that we form in our youth still gells us together --> More ...

March 2023: Identity

The identity of each of us will include the heritage of our family --> More ...

February 2023: Hello from Rev Steve

I’m sitting in a new office, in a new town, with new responsibilities. --> More ...

A Link to Copies of Letters from Our Previous Minister, Brian: