Welcome To Sidmouth Methodist Church

Sidmouth Methodist Church's Website.
Sidmouth is a Regency town which is blessed with stunning beaches and a rural backdrop that people have for generations chosen to holiday at. Throughout the season tourists and locals are able to make the most of a rich variety of entertainment, including the annual Folk Festival, Jazz Festival, Sea Fest, Regatta and Air Show, Literary Festival and much more. In addition to being a tourist destination Sidmouth is a great place to live, because it is a community that is connected, with countless groups and support networks for residents to enjoy.
Sidmouth Methodist Church is at the heart of the town, along the main street. It hosts many of the town’s activities, and strives to be a place where tourists and residents feel that they belong. Alongside the regular Sunday worship (10.30 am) there are a variety of groups and activities that are provided for residents and tourists alike. It is a place for spiritual and physical nourishment.
If you wish to make use of our rooms then please see the menu on the left (and below) for details of what we have to offer and current rates.
Sidmouth Methodist Church – A Place To Belong
Our Minister is: Rev Steve Santry
On Sunday we have one service:
10:30 a.m.: Sidmouth. There are, currently, only very occasional evening services.
(Our sister church at Sidford has a service which starts at 11.00 am)
We offer some facilities for the young people during our our morning service, although we regret that we no longer run a formal Junior Church. We hope to remedy this in the future. However, although there is no formal Junior Church, young people are welcomed to our services and holiday clubs may run where appropriate.
Sidmouth Church is accessible via a lift or stairs in the front foyer and a ramp at the South entrance; whilst the hall at the back is accessible via a ramp (both up the path to the left of the front entrance).
In addition to weekly services, a series of weekly 'Worship@Home' services is provided:
Click Here to access the Weekly Worship@Home services
From the Pen of Rev Steve

Sunday Services
Room Hire

- The church Sanctuary can accomodate up to 200 people.
- Our Main church hall is suitable for large events upto 100 people.
- Our church Upper hall is suitable for smaller meetings of up to 25 people.
- There are plans to make the church Lower hall suitable for meetings of up to 35 people. THIS ROOM IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE
For more information, please contact the Lettings Secretary, Jill Dixon email: Jill Dixon
How to find us